Monday, October 13, 2008


this morning i wake up @ 5am. have to go to work, i can barely walk pain everywhere i have skin,muscles, and joints i say Lord i thank you for this new day. i head to the bathroom, then to the kitchen to make coffee. after 2 cups of coffee i still feel like crud. i guess i over did it this weekend. Got to call my supervisor and tell her i can't work today.i did. she said okay. i feel awful. i'm supose to replace someone that's off today.i pray that things at work won't be bad then i go back to bed, and wake 5 hours later feeling a tad better. I still thankGod i'm able to live with this chronic pain, and function almost normally most of the time.i've found out there in only one way to live my life, and that is to know that everyday is another miracle that God has given me, and to live not one day at a time, but one hour at a time thanking, and praising God for everything!


Sonya said...

Ma, Imma come give u a great big hug! You'll feel better then

gueen mother said...

thank u. u so sweet i feel better already.